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About Our Organization

Sustainable Drylands Initiatives (SDI) stands as a beacon of hope in the realm of non-governmental organizations

SDI has extended its compassionate reach, proudly holding official registrations in  Somalia. With boots on the ground in somalia, our organization actively fosters change and improvement within the communities. In Mogadishu, Somalia, we operate from the heart of the city on Digfer Road. Additionally, we’ve established sub-offices in  Beletweyn, Somalia, strategically positioning ourselves to serve the diverse needs of these regions effectively.

About us

Our Objectives

Sustainable Drylands Initiatives (SDI) is an NGO established by a team of dedicated humanitarians who came with a common goal to serve humanity in a sustainable manner

Our Principles

Our Principles

SDI strives to serve its beneficiaries irrespective of one’s religion, race or political affiliations. We intend to improve the lives of the most vulnerable in the hardest to reach places/populations

Fundraising experience for your donors

Helping each other can make world better

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